
Showing posts from 2019

Toh no dake via Yabitsu (solo) + ヤビツ峠~塔の岳 (ソロ)

Summary : I need sunglasses and crampon to climb Tanzawa between Dec to March.   Even though I visited the same exact mountain in the last week, I wanted to climb up there from the other side my myself. I originally planned to start from the bus stop at  Yabitsu peak, but I heard the bus stop was temporarily closed down due to the snow fall last week. So, I decided to get off at the alternative bus stop at  Minoge  bus stop. It left Hadano station at 7:05 and reached the destination around 7:30ish. Hadano - Minoge time table Hadano - Yabsitu time table      It took 1 hour extra walk to get to Yabitsu peak using Kashiwagi path. The path is peaceful with natural fountain and old remains of villages. That was good. However, when I reached Yabitsu peak, there was a bus. Geez, the bus line was fine and operating. I should have taken the bus line to Yabitsu bus stop to save my energy for an hour's walk, but well, Kashiwagi path was beautiful and usef...

Toh no dake via Baka ridge with dog 塔ノ岳 バカ尾根 with 犬+家族

    Even though I am still under my rehabilitation regimen, I was craving for hiking. So I decided to climb up Toh no dake . This is the first attempt of the long hike after my injury.     I usually prefer Mt. Hiru in Tanzawa, located in the north side of the area, however, since my left arm is not completely recovered yet, I decided to climb more popular and well-managed mountain than rusty Mt. Hiru , so that the risk of tripping over on the route is relatively less, presumably.     The Ohkura route has steep stairs literary forever to the top of Toh no dake . The route is called Baka -O-Ne (A ridge with simple, stupid stairs) Since this route is quite well-known, well administrated and have huts and bathrooms.     We left home around 4:45 am, and reached to the 24 hour  parking lot  nearby the entry point of the hiking trail in Okura around 6:15 am. The parking fee is 800 yen for a day. The parking lot machine only accepts 10...

Uncanny valley of sound

Excuse this post lacking of subject, just to avoid search engine. I am repeating these tweets after 7 years of his death. I appreciate my husband who put up with my speech in every dinners about my most respected musician for 3 weeks now. #fb — Fujisaki Kickno (@kickno) February 12, 2012 ここ数週間でがくっと体重が落ちたんだけど、筋肉も落ちたみたいで、7mileがちゃんと走れなかった。ともちゃん引っ張る引っ張る; — Fujisaki Kickno (@kickno) February 5, 2012 今日も夜2時くらいに目が覚めて、結局寝に戻れなかった;最近ずっとこのパターン。寝不足で気持ち悪いー。今夜9日ぶりのレッスン、出ないともっとブランク長くなって後で大変なことになるんだよな・・・。 — Fujisaki Kickno (@kickno) February 6, 2012 Since I am an auditory centered person, attending the show (great show!) without him gave me a strong sense of deficiency, cut-off and a lot of flashbacks of my memory. These make me sick. Since the inheriting guitarist is such a skillfull guy (and, good person), accurately copied phrasing by him created; uncanny vally of sound. Hopefully this is just for me. Hopefully everyone else enjoyed the show. Don't mistake. They are DOING...


最近このCognitive Disorder(知覚変異?)があまり日本語で話されていないことに気づきました。 なので日本語エントリ。 米国でくらしているうちに、私は英語でこの症状にあたることに気づきました。 ● Chromesthesiaとは --- Many synaesthetes, however, are born with the variance known as chromesthesia. This results in specific sounds, pitches and timbres generating corresponding colours and textures in the field of vision (or, as some describe it, in the “mind’s eye”). --- 聴覚で聞いた音を色や質感として理解する脳の働きをする症状を、Chromesthesiaといいます。日本語での呼び名を私は知りません。 ● Chromesthesiaはどう見えるの? 私は認知学専門家ではないので、他の方はわかりません。なので私の場合だけを話します。 1.日常生活 まったく問題ありません。だだ、比較的人ごみを「うるさい」と感じてイライラする閾値は低いので、耳栓は常に持ち歩いています。 2.音をちゃんと聞こうとする場合 Chromesthesiaは、主に集中して聞いているときに発生します。録音された音をヘッドホンで聞きながら通勤しているときは発生しません。 録音された音でも、静かな環境で集中して聞くと発生します。 しかし一番発生率が高いのは、生の音を聞く機会です。ここではコンサートの場合と、授業の場合を二つの例を上げます。 例1. コンサートなどの場合:  色を感じ、その場の空気の質感?が変わります。色の錯誤認識が一番頻繁に発生し、会場のライティングとは関係ないため、音の影響でライティングと混ざった印象を受けます。 感じ方はレイヤを重ねた感じ。ずっと見えているわけではなく、一瞬見えて消えたり、しばらく続いたりします。 音をトリガにして自分の記憶が見えることもあります。これはちょっと、心理的にキツイ場合もあります。😥 支障が出た唯一の例では、スタン...

I broke my bone in my upper left arm.

Therefore, no climbing record for this summer. Doctor says healing will take at least a half year. Bummer. :(

Southern (Omote) Tanzawa without dog 表丹沢(ソロ&犬なし)

Summary. Nice pace climbing up, though failed for my ill-planned route coming back. I arrived at Shibusawa sta. 6:45 am, and the line of the people who were waiting for the first bus to Ookura stop, the entrance to the hiking route, was quite long already. At the Ookura stop, there was a Caucasian guy who seemed to be inquisitively looking at hiking registration post and its card ... written in Japanese only.  So I helped him to submit hiking registration. The city of Hadano should also place a multilingual hiker registration form. The town around Ookura bus stop The route I took was starting from the  prefectural forest park . The route is well managed and paved alongside the river. Most of the people I rode with bus apparently used another major path to To no dake. So the path was quiet. Other than the odd entrance to open the netted door for deer to get in, the route reminded me of walking down Yarisawa last year. The path to climb up to Nabewari mountain...

Inukoeji (Dog summiting path) in Tanzawa 丹沢の犬越路 with Dog

We climbed up Inukoeji (Dog summiting path) where the army of Takeda clan used to march for the purpose of military attack back in the 16th century. Takeda clan used military dogs, so we took our dog too... well, we always take our dog to trek anyway. The path has paved road used for lumberjack business even now. Motor vehicles need to have a permit to pass, but pedestrians can use anytime. Having said that, I wouldn't use this path after dark.  The place is quite silent. They even have an 800m tunnel to connect to the other side of Tanzawa, West side of Tanzawa where holds massive Tanzawa Lake. That hollow existence adds creepiness to the whole path. On the bright side (literally), at the top of the Inukoeji path is the peak of Oosugi-Maru. There is an evacuation hut and bathroom. I had a sweet bean bread for breakfast there. We did not go up to Mt. Omuro, but Mt. Fuji was partially visible from the path. Mt. Fuji  We parked our car at Kannnogawa ...