Do not forget list : Trail running in winter

Do not forget list

Trail run in winter (~18km, no higher than 1800m, expect 7-8 hours)
What to wear
 - Under pants, bra, town socks
 - knit tights
 - running socks
 - running mid layer (light outer)
 - thick outer jucket
 - towel for neck
 - heat tech shirts
 - wind proof pants
 - leg warmer
 - knit cap
 - thick grove

 - headlight
 - map
 - emergency kit, emergency blanket
 - camelback full of water
 - Wind breaker
 - GPS watch
 - Charger
 - bear bell
 - compass

 - under pants, bra, town socks
 - warm pants
 - heat tech shirts
 - sweater
 - outer jucket!
 - towel
 - wash towel
 - facial cream & sun screen
 - body wipe

 - a bar
 - nuts

Cell Phone 
Pasmo/Suica (for Buses in Tokyo area)

Mail my mountain climbing registration to the local police beforehand!! 

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